Una forma de ver la vida con humor

jueves, marzo 16, 2006

Contestando al quiz de Thalia :)

Take this test at Tickle

You're a Cocker Spaniel!

What Breed of Dog Are You?
Brought to you by Tickle

No bones about it, you're a perky, loving Cocker Spaniel. (Think Lady from Lady and the Tramp.) Playful and energetic, you're a real people person — er, dog. People can't help but fall hook, line, and sinker for your friendly, well-rounded personality and natural charm. It's a subtle thing, though — being outgoing and flirtatious, not showy, is the name of your game. Friends, co-workers, and potential dates can't help liking you. How could they not? Your winning-yet-humble ways make you popular, admired, and a joy to be around. Woof!



2 Comentarios:

Blogger Nessa Yávëtil dijo...

Este blog ha sido eliminado por un administrador de blog.

3:25 a.m.  
Blogger Nessa Yávëtil dijo...

(Este era el comentario anterior)
¡Hola Popsina!
¿y si crees ser un cocker?
¡Feliz puente!

(Esta es la continuación)

P.D. Fíjate en la luna en ;) Eso te alegrará de vez en cuando :D

3:34 a.m.  

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